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2015_Erdbebenverhalten von Flachdecken_Seismic behaviour of flat slabs_Prof Muttoni_EPFL

[…] system, is less straightforward, since the complex three- dimensional behavior of slab-column connections under displacement-induced moments is not yet completely understood. As a result, the codes of practice provide empirical design formulas based on experimental evidence rather than mechanical models for the seismic design of slab-column connections. 1.2 Research objectives The presented research aims […]

202004_Abschlussbericht – Stahlbetonbauten bei Karbonatisierung – Web

[…] to determine water content at the steel surface by detailed material characterization and numerical modeling , but a less time - consuming method is needed for general practice. 7. Conclusions This project employed different electrochemical methods, including potential and resistivity moni- toring and linear polarization resistance measurement s , to investigate the corrosion be […]

201901_Abschlussbericht HTC Verfahren_Gerner

[…] T. Keller ZĂŒrcher Hochschule fĂŒr Angewandte Wissenschaften , WĂ€denswil Zusammenfassung Die RĂŒckgewinnung von Phosphor aus Abfallbiomasse gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung, da Phosphor eine endliche , nicht erneuerb are Ressource ist. FĂŒr die RĂŒckgewinnung von PflanzennĂ€hrstoffen und die Produktion von klimaneutralen Brennstoffen aus feuchten Abfa llströmen wurde die hydrothermale Karbonisierung (HTC) als vielversprechende Technologie ausgewĂ€hlt […]


[…] order to improve this correlation. This modi- fication takes into account the structure’s "initial" natural frequency and the design ductility. As a conclusion, recommendations for structural engineers are formulated that are believed to increase the reliability of non-linear seismic analyses. In addition, the impact of "fling" on structural behaviour was addressed, too. Fling is […]

Publikation ARA-Leemann et al

[…] determined values for layer HD are about 400 times lower than for layer OP and 70 times lower than for layer IP. Thus, even tough the layer HP is very thin, the transport of ions in the surface layers is slowed down significantly because of the formation of calcite in the layer HD. The […]

Nano1-part 2-20091221-komplett

[…] damage exper iment should be performed as preliminary experiment for every experiment utilising intense s ources of X-rays for imaging . We acknowledge the fact that such practice is only sel dom applied (or seldom reported in publications). 47 4.2.1. 4.2.1. 4.2.1. 4.2.1. 3D Synchrotron X 3D Synchrotron X 3D Synchrotron X 3D Synchrotron X- -- -ray imaging techniques  ray imaging techniques ray imaging techniques  ray imaging techniques        Synchrotron-based […]


[…] all of them of type K. The data logging and reading equipment includes a SOFO V reading unit, a 30-channel optical switch and 3 ADAM-SOFO modules and HP general- purpose reading unit. For the tests at IMM, in order to increase the temperature of concrete in the specimen S1 (see Fig. 4), high power […]

Guide de planification pour l’extraction de matiĂšres premiĂšres primaires du ciment – 01.11.2021

[…] du chapitre « Extraction de roches et de terres » du plan directeur du canton de Zoug ....................................................................................................... 73 E3 – Obligation d’exiger une expertise pour les questions fondamentales ..................................... 74 E4 – Évaluation d’une atteinte grave ................................................................................................. 74 E5 – Évaluation de l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’importance nationale .......................................................................... 74 DTAP, ARE, OFEV, swisstopo, cemsuisse 1er […]

2010_FrĂŒhschwinden von Beton_Dr Lura_Dr Leemann_EMPA

FrĂŒhschwinden von Beton EMPA, Abteilung Beton / Bauchemie Dr. P ietro Lura Dr. Andreas Leemann cemsuisse-Projekt 200901 – Dezember 2010 Diese Forschungsarbeit wurde durch cemsuisse, Verband der Schweizerischen Cementindustrie mitfinanziert 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Zusammenfassung ................................... ....................................................................................................... 5 1. Einleitung ........................................ .................................................................................................... 6 2. Materialien ....................................... .................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Beton.............................................. ....................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Zement und Zusatzstoffe […]

Planungshilfe fĂŒr den Abbau von primĂ€ren Zementrohstoffen – 01.11.2021

Planungshilfe fĂŒr den Abbau von primĂ€renZementrohstoffen1. November 2021 BPUK, ARE, BAFU, swisstopo, cemsuisse 1. November 2021Planungshilfe fĂŒr den Abbau von primĂ€ren ZementrohstoffenSeite 1Impressum Abstract Die vorliegende «Planungshilfe fĂŒr den Abbau von primĂ€ren Zementrohstoffen» richtet sich an Be- hörden, Projektierende sowie weitere Interessenten und hat zum Ziel, die benötigten Grundlagen fĂŒr eine fundierte raumplanerische InteressenabwĂ€gung […]